Oh let me just sum it up...
I think its retarded when...
Girls get into stupid bitch fights... throw a punch or shut the fuck up.
Good people get naked for Bad people
People say "They've changed, they're so different..." grow up douche bag.
I have to explain geographically where Ukiah is.
People get all butt hurt about truth boxes.
You only have two beers and your already naked.
You text someone and then call them but they don’t answer...they text.
People say they'd do anything for their friends...would you die? Didn’t think so.
Girls say "EW! that guy was checking me out!!!" number 1 maybe he just has eyes and your loud mouth caught his attention, or your dressed like an attention whore...
People you barely know bring up random moments... example "Remember like first grade when I came to your birthday... it was fun man" ya.. stuff like that… stupid
People shake up beers. You’re a waster and an asshole.
People invite themselves places.
Guys are little bitches.
People can't make a decision on their own.
Girls have to do the buddy system in the bathroom. Its an exception when your drunk.. but sober.. c'mon
People walk into stores and talk a whole bunch of crap about the stuff in it... then leave bitch!! the only exception for that behavior is, Ross
Straight Guys try to be gay with each other to be gays- it pushes the gay limits.
You make the winning shot in beer pong but then some cock sucker blows it out... I hate it!
You talk to someone on the phone through someone else.. let me clarify "hey can you tell her we'll be there in like 5 min." .."she said we'll be there in 5"..."oh and tell her that i have sweater".."she has your.....
its stupid. stop it.
They price things with 99 cents. like its 5.99... why not just six fucking dollars? Oh look I saved a penny lucky fuckin’ me.
I happen to love it when...
People drink until they are naked.
Someone gets murdered in beer pong.
You get a new phone...love that
People who think they are the shit talk crap to people and those people just laugh in their face...
People get hurt (but not injured) ... I know its wrong.. But its funny
People get laughed at and not with.
Girls fight like men.
Guys fight like chicks.
People are racist/sexist in a non mean way... if thats possible.
You use an std as an insult "shut up you herpee"
Super honest people... tell you EVERYTHING!
Girls get shit free.
Guys pay for everything.
You get a hot EMT in the ambulance your riding in.
People steal alcohol and then they are like king of the drunks.
People who still love Nillas.
High school graduates go and party with high schoolers.
Couples drink together.. if i remember correctly they share the puke bowls too. That’s love people.
Good People and Bad People get together. Drink. Fight. And Screw one another. That’s an American Night... Actually... That’s a Santa Barbara night!!
Guys defend girls. that’s hot.
Guys stay at a friends w/ benefits status with girls!
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